I have always struggled to know how to keep Ruthie & Nat occupied during school hours.
BUT……the past few weeks it has come to a breaking point.
Ana would need to be reading something aloud while I listened & cleaned bathrooms/switched out laundry/got supper going or any number of other necessary tasks.
What were the “littles” up to? Usually nothing productive……& in all honestly-most likely DESTRUCTIVE.
(Like this picture of Nat-taken after he dumped the ENTIRE shampoo bottle in the tub the other day. Ruth had done it the day before with the bath soap.)
BUT……the past few weeks it has come to a breaking point.
Ana would need to be reading something aloud while I listened & cleaned bathrooms/switched out laundry/got supper going or any number of other necessary tasks.
What were the “littles” up to? Usually nothing productive……& in all honestly-most likely DESTRUCTIVE.
(Like this picture of Nat-taken after he dumped the ENTIRE shampoo bottle in the tub the other day. Ruth had done it the day before with the bath soap.)
(Look at that smirk...sure, he's a cutie, but don't let that fool you!)
So, I took the liberty of being the HEAD TEACHER/VICE-PRINCIPAL of Mountview Christian School, & made some major changes.
I started Ana on a schedule that allows her to do ALL the school work she can accomplish individually in the morning, when our other two need mommy attention.
Then, in the afternoon, when R. & N. rest, I do all the stuff with Ana she needs me for.
What peace has reined in our home!!! I even had time to teach Nat & Ruth how to play princess/prince together-nicely……& wonder of wonders-was able to cuddle up w/ Ana on the couch in the afternoon to read together!!!
So, if you have never just tried something new in your schedule(even if you aren't a homeschooler-I encourage you to try it! (I am usually not one that likes to vary much from my original schedule, but in this case-this is one of the BEST decisions I have made recently!!!)
That's great, Kim. Glad you've found something that works for your family - what a great feeling! We're still doing some tweaking around here this school year, working to find what's going to work best. Thanks for the encouragement to be willing to switch things up.
I have missed visiting you! Hope the gluten free is working out for you - if you ever need a recipie or a flour conversion I am happy to help (GF for 30+ years.)
Love hearing what kind of schedule changes work at your house! Enjoy your weekend!
That sounds like a wonderful arrangement Kim to keep them all happy and still achieve what Ana needs to with her school.
My husband is good when I am set that this or that is the only way it can done and then he comes up with this completely different solution that I would never have thought of and it works:)!
We are taking our kids to Tonga for 3 weeks holiday (even though they were all born in Australia they have Tongan cultural background) so will be great to see how they find it.
'See you' when I'm back.
Take care,
Great idea..while I do not homeschool...I do have lots and lots of hw to help the kiddies with..so I try to have the wee one napping at that time or entertained by one of the bigger kiddies:)
Good for you...and your sanity
I'm doing homeschooling with Crista this year. But its just pre-school. I figured she had enough transitions already with the move without throwing in preschool too. We're loving it and do our work while Addie is asleep too. Works perfectly!!
That sounds like such a great idea! We kind of do the opposite since Sophia sleeps in a bit but refuses to nap. We try to do the together stuff in the mornings while she is asleep.
I'm glad you have found something that works for you.
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