"Common Ground": my little corner of the blogosphere where I talk (a lot-wink) about the things that matter most to me: My relationship with my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, homeschooling, adoption, homemaking, parenting, "spousing." (yeah, yeah....I know that's not a word.....I made it up-it’s my blog-I can do things like that! Ha!)

Since my life isn’t all that different from yours, hopefully we can find some COMMON GROUND & learn from each other. Please share your thoughts!

Through the Lords’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not.

They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness!
Lam. 3: 22 & 23

Click on pics to see us up close & personal! :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How Do You Prioritize?

I have to confess….this one has me a bit stumped.

I start off my day with my Bible & my cup of coffee (& yes, the coffee IS non-negotiable!)

But, after that, I feel like most days, I am just floundering through the moments.

What should come first?

My health?

My kids?-who probably need me on average 150 times a day! (“Mom?!!” “Moooooommmmmy!!!!”)

My hubby?

My sisters?

My relationships with my friends?

My house?

Ooops…..& I almost forgot-the laundry? (I’m always forgetting the laundry-just ask my hubby!!!)

I love what Steady Mom had to say about this in her blog post a few days ago.

She asks herself these questions at the end of the day:

* Did I spend enough time with my kids today?

* Did I have any eye-to-eye conversations with them?

* What did they tell me, or try to tell me, today?

* Did I slow down enough to enjoy them, or was my day too rushed?

* How have they changed from yesterday?

* Did I kiss my husband today?

* Did I treat him as my husband or as the hired help?

* What memories did I make for our family today?

* How can I do better tomorrow?

How do you decide what needs to be done? How do set priorities?

P.S The cooking is done! Anyone want to come over for dinner?


Laurel said...

In principle, it seems so simple to me...
Children (character over academics)

Determining those priorities in principle is important and a big step.
It's what they look like "with skin on" that has a tendency to throw me. I take great comfort in the promise in James for wisdom to be granted when we ask. Now, if I would remember to ask more often...

Kelly said...

It is so hard to balance all our hats- I guess we're at a good starting point if we're thinking about them and trying! Thanks for stopping by my site! Happy Holidays.

Anonymous said...

It is so hard balancing all our hats- I think we put first whatever/whoever needs us more and go from there.

Thanks for stopping by my site! Happy Holidays

Kim & Dave said...

Laurel.....I have such a hard time remembering to lay each moment at His feet-KWIM?

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