& it was ok.
You know, sometimes it's nice the Lord allows glimpses of "why."
Why did He allow
such suffering in our lives?
At my friend's house on Sunday afternoon, I finally got a glimpse of what it means to "weep with those who weep." My friend & her husband lost their baby girl last month. She had horrible birth defects, & was stillborn after
3 days of labor at 7 months gestational age.
I was invited to a jewelry party at her house, & realized about 1/2 way through the party that she had pics of the baby-w/ their family & their older two girls waiting to be put up on the wall.
& I wanted to see them. "How strange", you might think. (I know I did).
But, in that moment, I knew that I could see the pics, & that she would have few people that would *want* to see them.
I have learned a few things from my pain:
1. Each life (no matter how short) is precious in the eyes of God.
2. Other peoples' pain is not something to shy away from. They need the comfort of friends who have BEEN THERE.
3. God really is able to take my pain & use it for good-in so many ways, but in this case....I saw the practical workings out of this verse:
"He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.
When they are troubled,
we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us."
2 Corinthians 1:4 NLT
Lord, may You continue to use my/our pain to be an encouragement/comfort to others.