Every time I get a text, there's a moment of excitement/dread before I check it. Yes, I'm thrilled for every showing, but depending on how soon the showing is requested, or how messy the house is, there's often stress associated w/ hearing those texts notifications!
Imagine my emotions Tuesday night, when after finishing up at ballet clear across town, as we were all buckling into the van, & I heard “THE RING.” I knew the house wasn't "show ready," so I was relieved to discover that the request was for Wed. morning.
We often spend the couple of hours we need to be out of the house at my sister's home, since she lives less than 5 minutes away. She worked Wed., but I knew she wouldn't care if we spent the time there. After cleaning & staging the house, we loaded up (Ana's school work included-we homeschool, in case you forgot) & made our way over. Little did I suspect how quickly my plans would change.
All the kids tore in the house, intent on each individual agenda. Ruth & Nat love her back yard, & Ana knew school work lay in her future. I brought up the rear, w/ Ana's school books in tow.
I rounded the corner, & to my horror, there in the middle of her kitchen floor, I spotted a MOUSE! I hate mice.
Really & truly HATE mice.
I tried to scare it back into it's hiding place, but when I stomped the floor, it barely moved (but it moved enough I knew it was still among the land of the living!) Uggg.
I encouraged R & N quickly out the backdoor, but of course, they had to check out the mouse.
Meanwhile, I was beginning to feel a bit sick to my stomach.
(I have to say, I am not so averse to the critters-if they would only STAY in THEIR natural habitat-& not intrude on mine!)
After the two "littles" were safely ensconced in the backyard, Ana & I decided we HAD to do something about that THING. Shannon (my sister) had been trying for at least a month to get rid of them!
We concluded he wasn't going anywhere, since we had tried scaring him multiple times, & he'd barely moved.
After searching her house & garage, the best we could come up w/ was a flower pot w/ very tiny holes. Capturing it seemed to be the only option, since we couldn't come up w/ a way to get rid of it.
I moved in on my target, Ana cheering me on. (& holding the BIG rock we were placing on top).
In my haste to get it over him, I bumped his tail! & a tiny little “squeak” came out. Again, I say, “Uggg…”
But, the second attempt was successful, & Ana quickly plunked the rock down on top.
& I gave a HUGE sigh of relief.
BUT, I didn’t want to stay there, w/ a tiny trapped rodent that might continue to squeak.
Anyone understand my hesitation? I KNOW some of you have to agree!
So, we loaded everyone & all our stuff back in the van.
As I was backing out of the driveway (feeling really bad that my sister w/ no hubby would have to come home to this!), I sighted-SALVATION!!
In the form of a man working on the flooded house next door!
I walked up behind him & explained the dilemma…..& thankfully, he agreed to get rid of the mouse for me!!! WHAT a RELIEF!!
He & I entered the “danger zone”-otherwise known as “MY SISTER’S KITCHEN.” He, w/ gloves & a crowbar.
After he said that HIS wife would have run screaming from the house. But, no, not me!! (At least, not *this* time!)
He lifted the pot to examine the “monster” & asked me to open the back door. He scooted the whole contraption over to the door, lifted the lid & flipped the mouse out of the door w/ his crowbar.
Then, he slid the crowbar under the mouse & flung it all the way across the yard-into the neighbor’s!!
He chuckled & said, “Now, it can DIE-over there!”
As we left the house, I told him he had done all his good deeds for about a month!
& we left…..(no, I couldn’t stay in the house…..I was too distraught!)
But, the best part of the whole thing was the many times Ana said, “Mom, what’s the big deal? It’s only a MOUSE!!”
WHAT?!? How, I ask you, did THAT child come from MY body!?!