While on vacation this summer, we had an opportunity to spend some gift money. The two "littles" quickly chose stuffed animals......& Ana wandered around the store w/ a frustrated look on her face for over an hour.
After watching her peruse the same isles at least ten times each, I finally took the time to talk w/ her as she looked....& looked......& looked.
Finally, as she picked up yet another stuffed animal, she confessed, "Mom, I just am not sure I want to spend my $ on a stuffed animal. I mean, they are so cute here in the store, but I already have a lot, & I'm not sure if I'm getting too big to keep getting them."
I asked, "Are you sad that you think you might be out-growing stuffed animals a bit?"
She replied in the affimative, & there were tears in her eyes.....poor girl. :(
And I got rather choked up, too.
I mean, isn't it kinda sad that they have to grow up? Especially if they don't really want to yet?
She is growing up-in body, & as this little snippit of her life shows-just a bit, in spirit, as well.
But, back to our tale.
I asked her if she would rather have a souvenir that she could use every day (emphasizing that as she gets older, her ideas of what is fun to buy will start to change-& that's ok) & she decided on this beautiful mug.
(And a beautiful model's holding the mug here....)
And, I'm super thankful that quite frequently, still, her "little girl" shines bright!
But, oh, I need godly wisdom to navigate the waters ahead! There are so many more important things for her to learn than how to shop-although everything's important, I know!
P.S. Can I just say-I was so sad for her-seeing her sorrow over knowing she was too big to ever enjoy stuffed animals in the same way......uggg.