Now, the promised pictures of our first anniversary!
"Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness,
And for His wonderful works to the children of men!
For He satisfies the longing soul,
And fills the hungry soul with goodness."
Psalm 107:8 & 9
One Year ago today…..
Ruth permenently found her place in my arms! Oh, how my heart had ached for her to be there!
Are there words to describe the relief/joy in my heart at that point? No. There are never words for those moments-“burdens lifted” moments that God graciously allows in everyone’s lives.
But, as most things in the Christian walk are, God used circumstances to teach us much about Himself.
Our “burdens lifted” account from last year:
Tuesday, Dec. 12th, 2006: We knew that we would be getting our Embassy appointment for Ruth’s visa any time. However, due to the Christmas Holiday, our Foster Mother was going on vacation. Our lawyer did not want Ruth to go w/ them, since we knew things were winding down, & that our case was almost done. She wanted us to get down there, or she was going to have to turn Ruth over to another foster family until things were finalized.
Thursday the 14th: We did not want that much upheaval in her little life, so, we started FRANTICALLY searching for airline tickets to Guatemala. To our horror, there were NO tickets available anywhere!! Hours were spent looking….to no avail.
Weakness literally took over my body as I realized there was likely no way to get at least me down there.
Late Friday night the 15th: Dave I finally hit the sac, having searched all day for tickets…& very sad that we would not have a way to get to her before the week after Christmas.
Sat. the 16th: Early in the morning, I had it out w/ God……& He gently reminded me that He was still in control, & I needed to trust…..clinging to His goodness, I finally let it go.
When Dave got up, he decided to call United, (he being one of their Frequent Flyers) & see what they could do.
After an hour or so of him on the phone, & me anxiously sitting next to him, & trying to decipher what the results of this phone call might be….
The Lord miraculously provided THE LAST TICKET ON UNITED THAT WHOLE WEEK!!! & true to His character-wouldn’t you know…..IT WAS 1st CLASS!!!!!
Dave & Ana flew into Guatemala City late Christmas Eve, while fireworks that Guatemalans shoot off any time they have an excuse to, exploded over the city!
Ana met her sister as she exited the airport w/ throngs of other Guatemalans flying home for Christmas. I will NEVER forget her eyes & the loving tones she spoke w/ as she met her sister for the first time-the sister she prayed for at least two years to have…..Ruth’s name means “Satisfied,” & she has filled all of our hearts completely.
Hasn’t God been good?
It is good to review how He has blessed us, especially as we wait for His blessing again!
Ruth permenently found her place in my arms! Oh, how my heart had ached for her to be there!
Are there words to describe the relief/joy in my heart at that point? No. There are never words for those moments-“burdens lifted” moments that God graciously allows in everyone’s lives.
But, as most things in the Christian walk are, God used circumstances to teach us much about Himself.
Our “burdens lifted” account from last year:
Tuesday, Dec. 12th, 2006: We knew that we would be getting our Embassy appointment for Ruth’s visa any time. However, due to the Christmas Holiday, our Foster Mother was going on vacation. Our lawyer did not want Ruth to go w/ them, since we knew things were winding down, & that our case was almost done. She wanted us to get down there, or she was going to have to turn Ruth over to another foster family until things were finalized.
Thursday the 14th: We did not want that much upheaval in her little life, so, we started FRANTICALLY searching for airline tickets to Guatemala. To our horror, there were NO tickets available anywhere!! Hours were spent looking….to no avail.
Weakness literally took over my body as I realized there was likely no way to get at least me down there.
Late Friday night the 15th: Dave I finally hit the sac, having searched all day for tickets…& very sad that we would not have a way to get to her before the week after Christmas.
Sat. the 16th: Early in the morning, I had it out w/ God……& He gently reminded me that He was still in control, & I needed to trust…..clinging to His goodness, I finally let it go.
When Dave got up, he decided to call United, (he being one of their Frequent Flyers) & see what they could do.
After an hour or so of him on the phone, & me anxiously sitting next to him, & trying to decipher what the results of this phone call might be….
The Lord miraculously provided THE LAST TICKET ON UNITED THAT WHOLE WEEK!!! & true to His character-wouldn’t you know…..IT WAS 1st CLASS!!!!!
Dave & Ana flew into Guatemala City late Christmas Eve, while fireworks that Guatemalans shoot off any time they have an excuse to, exploded over the city!
Ana met her sister as she exited the airport w/ throngs of other Guatemalans flying home for Christmas. I will NEVER forget her eyes & the loving tones she spoke w/ as she met her sister for the first time-the sister she prayed for at least two years to have…..Ruth’s name means “Satisfied,” & she has filled all of our hearts completely.
Hasn’t God been good?
It is good to review how He has blessed us, especially as we wait for His blessing again!
He shall receive blessing from the LORD,
And righteousness from the God of his salvation.
Psalm 24:5
Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Heb. 12:11
Psalm 24:5
Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Heb. 12:11
Our “afterward” is coming! God did it last year & He is going to do it again!!! Can’t wait to see the miracle He will perform in Nat’s case!
(just as a funny little aside, right now she has found a water bottle & is squirting herself in the face w/ it-these are the moments I waited years to enjoy again-watching her learn about her world-just like Ana did)
*tune in later today, too, as I hope to post pictures of our big day*
Hooray! So happy for you! It is sweet to hear your gotcha day story. I wasn't active on SL then so missed it there.
I remember when dd came to meet ds for the first time. He turned his little head to see her. She had been by my side for so long, just jabbering away, that he knew her voice.
Older & loving sisters are a treasure! :)
I wasn't on the forums then either, so this may be the first time any of these people have heard it! :-)
Ana is SUCH a treasure in the way she relates to both of them-you are so right!
Oh, Kim, I love how your life is a testimony to the Lord's faithfulness and sovereignty. I keep tearing up as I read your posts, knowing that there is probably so much more emotion to the whole process of adoption than you can even express. What an amazing thing to know a God who has a plan for our lives, and it includes the family we will grow up in.
Yes, I wish emotion was an easier thing to express...
Not only does God ordain the families we are raised in, it is sucha comfort to me that He has ordained Nathaniel's date of homecoming!
Thanks, Rachel for being a faithful reader/prayer!
How on earth has an entire year passed? I was just sitting here, reading your post, and remembering when our little peanut was placed in our arms for the first time last Christmas. We really miss celebrating down there this year. Then there is the fact that the daughter I hold today is nothing like that reticent little peanut last year -- including the 5 pull-ups she did at gymnastics today!
Thanks for sharing the special memories with us all!
Merry Christmas!
Your welcome, Becky!
Christmas won't be the same this year, w/ out our adopting friends, & here in the US, instead of in Guatemala!
Congrats on this milestone! It is amazing to me that the year has passed so quickly. Ruth has grown so much and has brought so much to your lives. May God continue to bless your family!
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