"Common Ground": my little corner of the blogosphere where I talk (a lot-wink) about the things that matter most to me: My relationship with my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, homeschooling, adoption, homemaking, parenting, "spousing." (yeah, yeah....I know that's not a word.....I made it up-it’s my blog-I can do things like that! Ha!)

Since my life isn’t all that different from yours, hopefully we can find some COMMON GROUND & learn from each other. Please share your thoughts!

Through the Lords’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not.

They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness!
Lam. 3: 22 & 23

Click on pics to see us up close & personal! :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursdays Before the Throne.......driving & a massage!!!!!!

Isaiah 40:11

He will……gently lead those who are with young.

I have not felt real good for at least a couple weeks. (some cold that just won’t quit!!!)

As a result, my time in the Word has been a bit less than normal….& right now, I can’t remember ANYTHING I have read all week.

But, this verse came to mind as I rocked Natty & fed him his bottle.

The Lord always gives me what I need…..& only requires of me what it is possible to give.

So, tonight (as I sit on my couch & write this post),
I am thankful that I don’t ALWAYS have to leave my kitchen spotless as I head to bed.

The babies will survive one night with out me brushing their teeth.

The laundry can sit-WET-in the washer overnight.
Today, I drove through MY intersection for the first time.
Nobody was with me.

I saw the black marks of my van on the median.

As I drove through it, I thought, “I STILL can’t believe I NEVER saw that SUV!”

I shook a bit, but I made it through!

God gave me the peace of mind (& no other cars around to bother me) to make it through without falling apart-or shaking so badly I had to pull over.

I was really dreading that first time, but I knew that I HAD to do it,
& today it was the easiest way to get where I needed to go.
Finally, today, I had my first EVER massage!

I wasn’t sure I would like it.

But, my primary doctor prescribed 20 for me as a result of the accident.

Know what? I LOVED it!!!
(Although I did hate my nose trying to drip-due to my cold- on the pad as my head was face down in that face-holder thingie!!!! Please tell me other people have had such funny things happen to them when they feel a bit vulnerable!!!)
Oh, & have I mentioned anytime recently,
that I'm SOOOO thankful the accident was ruled the other guy's fault!


Faith, Family, Future said...

I totally understand. I had my first massage ever last year. It was wonderful. I wish I could afford to do it again!!!

No colds or anything but it is a very vulnerable thing so I can understand how you felt.

Enjoy all of your massages and allow God to use them to heal your body and mind.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you had a massage and doctor ordered!! Yippee!!

Unknown said...

Massages are the best!
It is normal for the nose to drain alot during one. Did the massuse (sp?) drain your sinuses at the end?

Kim & Dave said...

No, she did not, Paula. You meen like a saline wash? I do that at home.

Unknown said...

No, WHen they have you flip over on your back, alot of them will do a facial massage, that includes draining the sinuses.
It feels SO good!
I learned how to do it to myself for when I get stuffy.

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